Friday, December 4, 2009

12/4 Feeling Blessed

Last week we went to Covenant and had urodynamics done.  This was a test where they put a catheter in the patient and fill them up with water.  Then they monitor the pressure given when the patient releases the water.  We did this test because the Dr wanted to make sure Toby was capable of releasing all of his urine and that we weren't putting hid kidneys at risk if it wasn't.  The test was horrible.  Toby was tough through it, but the nurse doing the cath couldn't get it in.  So it turned a one hour procedure into a three hour ordeal.  While we were down in radiology the people working on him seemed like they were confused.  It felt like what was happening had never happened before.  They called the Dr. and asked if this was normal.  Unfortunately, when I asked the nurse if things were bad she would only tell me "The Dr will read your report and give you the results"  so I left with a heavy heart.  

I have been really worried about it since it seemed like it didn't go well.  Bad results would mean that we would go ahead and start putting in a cath on a daily basis and I am just not ready for that.  I really freaked out yesterday when they said they read the report and they want to talk about it next week.  I felt like there was urgency to it.  Today I called and basically begged them to just let me know what was going on.  They finally agreed that they would have the Dr call me.  He did.  It was really a blessing because he told me that he just thinks Toby has a small bladder, but that he looked good.  He also said that the technician that usually does these tests in radiology was not there, so the guy doing it really didn't know what to expect.  I was so thankful.  I guess I need to have more faith :)  

Toby is doing so good.  He has started cooing and smiling...a lot!  He is very social and happy.  Yesterday we went to the Pediatrician and he weighed 10 lb 13 oz.  He had grown in length 5 inches since his birth.  He had 3 shots and he didn't even cry!  I am so thankful to have such a good baby!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed dinner last night. Your parents are so smitten with Toby (we all are). So glad you got a good report from the doctor. Love U!
