Thursday, October 1, 2009

9/30 - Progress

 We were really busy today.  When we went down the occupational therapist was waiting on us.  She showed us some foot stretches that we started on Toby's clubbed feet.  She was really sweet and encouraging.  She thinks that they will need surgery eventually, but assured us that they will get to a normal angle.  She had some students with her as well and they had just finished learning all about clubbed feet and encouraged us as well.  She also told us Toby would be signed up for Early Childhood Intervention for his physical therapy.  She said they come to your house and work with you there until the are three.  We were excited to get started.  We also had to go to carseat class.  I know it seems pretty obvious how to use a carseat but I think it was good. was for Adam anyway, my drugs prevented me from paying attention too well in a class (lol).  Toby's feedings went great today.  He was actually a little more awake during one of them and looked us over pretty good.  Usually in his feedings he just keeps his eyes shut and eats.  Tomorrow is another day.  Both our day and night nurses are off so we hope we get good ones to take care of him (I'm sure they are all just get comfortable).  In the morning the are going to do an ultrasound to check out the hydrocephalus situation.  If it is obvious it is there they will also do a CT scan and then Toby will get his shunt at 2pm.  His head did measure a little bigger today so I feel like its going to happen.  We are okay with this...and have expected this all along.  We of course hate the idea of surgery, but this procedure is not near as unknown and scary as the first one he had Monday.  This shunt will also take pressure off his back and help him heal.  We will also not have to worry about elevation once he has it so hopefully this means holding him soon.  I am also probably going to be released tomorrow.  We are borrowing an RV and will get to stay close.  So much stress I had about this day is gone and I am so grateful.  Please pray that things keep falling into place for us.  

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